Ian Sardine, founder and director of System 3 Sports Academy, is satisfied that the measures his Academy has put in place during the period of dislocation occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic, will still keep his members (players) in shape.
The threat from the coronavirus forced the Academy to cease all coaching activities.
In the interim, Sardine said, “I started doing some individual videos of kids doing simple drills and sent them round to the kids in the different teams for them to practise. As proof that they were doing the drills, they were required to video themselves and return those videos to the coaches. This has been going well.”
Additionally, Sardine said, “Almost every age group has WhatsApp group with both parents and kids, so we send other activities to keep the kids occupied.”
The long standing athletics/football coach admitted that the period would be challenging, and this was more reason why he felt it was necessary to keep in touch with the members/players.
“In this regard,” Sardine said, “the coaches have been doing a good job.”
Looking beyond the passage of COVID-19, Sardine pointed to further development of the Academy’s main training ground at the Richmond Hill Playing Field.
He disclosed that the plan includes establishing a viewing and seating area for the parents and others, and constructing and outfitting appropriate washrooms.
The plan is awaiting approval by the National Sports Council (NSC).
All taken, Sardine is pleased that he is able to keep the Academy active, and expressed thanks to the many benefactors who have made this possible.