The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the position of Asberth News Network(ANN).
By Dr. Richard A. Byron-Cox
While ULP maintains an interest in doing some things it has committed to; ensuring that Ralph’sfirst born takes the throne and enriching its inner circle via inter alia a profitable liaison with white foreigners, is priority numero uno! I maintain that their salient mission is staying in power, full stop! It’s no surprise that from crime to unemployment; and from prostituting the country to reducing some blackVincentians to slave-like
Further, I must confess that if the elections are called tomorrow and I was to vote, I would vote ULP and encourage my acquaintances to do likewise. Why you ask? Simple! The alternative is fatal abyss for SVG! In reality the NDP is in general lazy and parasitic,desperately hoping for its chance to leech the treasury! It comprises by and large a vindictive, spiteful, mendacious, backward, bitter, unpatriotic bunch
In this Internet and the absolute requirement to secure sustainable development age, Friday takes the reigns of “the government in waiting” and can’t tell us his plans in a one-pager!! Imagine that with a government regularly accused of maleficence; nationally and regionally questioned about its scarcity of morals and ethics; fingered for its dynastic nepotism; guilty of creating a Himalayan national debt and the list goes on ad infinitum; yet Friday cannot write one
Readers, you know that Ralph trumpets the slogan “Labour love” while permitting his chief attack dog to preach hate on Star Radio. Yet, Friday does not even have a defensive stoke, not to mention protective guard for the people of SVG! It is Satanic that every decent professional, every honest Vincy, every thinking person in this land who dares state the truth, their character and those of their family and friends have been destroyed by the ULP attack dogs without shame!! Friday remains silent in the face of this bloody murder of the nobility and integrity of some of SVG’s most noble and patriotic!
Friday is resident in the Grenadines, which is unconditionally loyal to NDP, yet he has no plans to assist the workers on Canouan with getting justice, and the virtual quarantine of the residents there, save to say thatRalph has forgotten the people down there. He shuns Terry Bynoe, the vanguardin the battle to defend Vincentian rights on Canouan. He is silent about peoplebeing banished from Mustique even though their family has lived there forgenerations untold! But this is not surprising as it was “King James” who gaveaway 80% of the lands on Canoaun, and Friday’s leadership is but servitude to theking. To his eternal credit, Arhnim as leader of the NDP was no Mitchell stooge!
Today, SVG is in a political paralysis as regards the next elections. Our only real possibility to ensure a modicum of hope is to return
A careful look into the practice of the ULP will show that over recent years it moved from spin to barefaced mendacity while enforcing acceptance of economic injustice on the poor (16% VAT as starters). It is in many ways a spectacle, a parade of foliage with little fruit; and an exhibition of polished deceit, seeking encomiums for a whitewashed crime-ridden, corruption-laden, and race and class apartheid-bent state. Yet, Friday is dumb, with not even
So we have found ourselves in a state of political paralysis where the power that