We the members of the Unity Labour Party recognise that there is a recent increase in the incidents of violence-based crimes in our blessed land, and, in particular, crimes in which women and girls have been victims. We continue to condemn all forms of violence and stand committed as citizens of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to work in partnership with the government, state entities, non-government organizations and all persons, to eradicate any and all forms of violence.
The Unity Labour Party pledges its continued support to the government and the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force in their efforts to curb the violence in our land, as they strengthen the respective institutions which work to keep our society safe and peaceful.
The Unity Labour Party urges all citizens to be advocates of peace, to be clothed in the vestment of humility and restraint and to be champions of goodwill.
The road to harmony in our Nation is not paved only by the efforts of the government, as we recognize that each individual must accept his/her role and work together as a whole.
We call on all members of society to reactivate and embrace the mantra of “the village raising the child” within the parameters of international conventions. No longer can communities adopt an insular approach to the upbringing of the future men and women of our blessed land.
We must all remember to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper becoming more vigilant and attentive to those who cry out for help, often with the sound of clamouring silence.
The Unity Labour Party holds steadfastly to the belief that an end to all violence can be achieved with a commitment by each person to equality and peace, and an earnest pledge to save and preserve lives. Let us stand together as we continue to build our nation.