In light of the prevailing circumstances pertaining to the coronavirus pandemic, and the advisory of the Ministry of Health in relation to international travel, the St. Vincent Grammar School will not participate in the 126th Penn Relays scheduled to commence on 23rd April 2020. The Ministry of Education fully supports this decision.
Members of the athletics team selected to represent the school have been engaged in rigorous training, hoping to improve on the school’s performance last year, which was truly remarkable. In addition, members of the school community, both at home and in the diaspora, were looking forward to a repetition of the thrill and satisfaction they experienced in 2019.
However, wisdom and commonsense must prevail; and the well-being of our athletes, teachers and all persons dwelling in the borders of our country must be paramount.
At the Grammar School we are committed to the overall development of our students and to providing them with all feasible opportunities for personal achievements.
We see the Penn Relays as a significant avenue through which some of them can attain their goals, and we will continue to encourage their participation in the future.
During the last three months, we were engaged in various drives to raise funds in order to meet the cost of sending our athletes and accompanying officials to Philadelphia for relays; and we have got appreciable support from private and public entities. We wish to assure our benefactors that the funds garnered this year will be utilized for the purpose intended at the earliest opportunity, when conditions return to normality.
We hope they understand the position we have taken and crave their continued support of the St. Vincent Grammar School.