On Tuesday, 7th April, Trinity Medical Science University handed over a quantity of personal items to the House Mother of the Lady of Guadeloupe Home for Girls in Mesopotamia, Ms. Dannette Dowers.
This donation came as a result of the devastation suffered, when the home was completely gutted by fire on the evening of Monday, 30th March. Subsequent to this occurrence, the Board of Directors of the facility issued a call to the general public for donations of supplies that would begin to restore some form of normalcy to the lives of the devastated young ladies.
Trinity’s Provost and Dean, Francis Purcell PhD., immediately began enquiries to ascertain what was required in the short term, with further information as to the rebuilding process pending. Dr. Frances Jack, Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Affairs followed through with action, collection items donated by students on campus here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Trinity Medical Science University maintains its relation with the institution which was established through organized interactions with its student members of the Trinity Chapter of the Christian Medical Students Association who worked with the young ladies through scheduled visits in which they interacted as they were taught skills like drawing, painting, tie-dying and baking.
Speaking on behalf of Dean Purcell, Dr. Jack noted that, “On behalf of Trinity Medical Science University, it is actually a pleasure to donate these items to the Girls’ Home. From the moment we were informed that they were in this situation our hearts just went out to them because this is a home that our students have been visiting regularly. They’ve gone by and had play dates with them and there was no question that we would be donating and reaching out to help this group of girls and their caretakers. Our hearts are with them and we hope that, in the future, we can do more in terms of aiding with the rebuilding process.”
Handing over the items on behalf of Trinity were Administrative Assistants Nasha Neverson-Pitt and Nyasha Lewis. Ms. Lewis stated that, “Mommy D., on behalf of the students of Trinity Medical Science University, I want to say a heartfelt pleasure to have assisted the in any way we could have done and we hope it will bring some form of relief in one way or another.”
House Mother Dannette, affectionately called ‘Mommy D.’ responded with, “Thank you very much on behalf of our Lady of Guadeloupe.” She went to say that the adjustment of the girls is taking some time. “They are trying,” she said, “they are trying to make merry. Once they are happy, I am grateful.” She reported that counsellors are still holding sessions with her charges and that she now looks forward to the restoration to normalcy for them.
Trinity Medical Science University pledges to be right there as the process continues.