My fellow Vincentians, I greet you with Grace and Peace from God our Savior from sin who is Jesus Christ.
I come before you today to inform you of my decision to resign from my job as the political leader of the Democratic Republican Party (D.R.P.) of St. Vincentand the Grenadines, and thus, my decision to not participate in the 2020 General Elections of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
At this time in the earth’s history I have decided to take up a new full-time focus of advancing the preaching of the Everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ globally, in view of His 2nd coming which the unfolding of prophetic events clearly reveal is imminent.
Many of you have shown support to me and the D.R.P. over the years since it’s launch and I remain grateful for this. A heartfelt Thank you to all you for your willingness to stand for the protection of the inalienable or God-given Rights and Freedoms of humanity.
May God bless you with His Grace, Faith, Love and Peace that you may be
saved in His everlasting Kingdom soon, before it is too late. Amen.
I remain Your Humble Servant in Christ Jesus,