The Cannabis Revival Committee (CRC) is an organization of Traditional Cultivators of Marijuana in ST Vincent Grenadines, with a membership comprising of ULP and NDP supporters, as well as of people with different political opinions. We are not associated with any particular politicalparty.
As such , we wish to make the following statementin response to the remarks made by Mr. Patel Mathews, representative of the NDP of his party’s intention to“reorganize and reshape the legislation legalization Medical Cannabis,, which was passed on December 18th, nearly two years ago.
At present, we are planting weed under the amnesty law, without fear of being eradicated by the police,on farms which we have already spent thousands of dollars of our own money. Some of us have borrowed these monies, with promises to pay back.
We are already in discussion with both local and foreign licensed investors who have expressed interest in purchasing our produce. This to us is a major benefit and a victory for all traditional cultivators.
To reorganize and reshape the legislation, as the NDP proposes, means waiting another year or two before we can begin legally selling. In the meantime, our families are hungry.
We can’t wait that long, which to us means selling it however we can to make ends meet, while disregarding the law which both the NDP and ULP, voted for in our parliament.
We are fed up with such risks. The risk of losing our sons on the high seas and through incarceration by trafficking ganja is too painful for us.
Finally, while we do believe that Patel means good, and that the NDP, given the opportunity to govern, will establish a medical cannabis industry, as promised, the reality is , as traditional growers, we can’t wait two more years , not even six months.
Who feels it, knows it.
1 Comment
Amendment to existing legislations are done routinely by parliament and it doesn’t take two years. This government and its acolytes always like to look down at Vincies as foolish people. Don’t use the ULP legislative incompetence as a yard stick for measuring good governance . Come again Spirit.