Like Nebuchadnezzar, he caused an image of himself to be set up, not on the plains of Dura but on church lands on Clifton Hill, Union Island. The image was approximately 4 cubits wide and 6 cubits high. He sought to lift himself higher than the God of those church lands, claiming to be World Boss, usurping the position of the Saviour who said: “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.”
Is he planning to take over church lands too, having taken lands from Bigger Biggs at Rabbaca, the Murrays at Murray Village, the Rasta man at Buccament, Toussaint at Canouan and Marcus DeFreitas at Beachmount?
David and his men did enter church property also without permission and did eat of the shewbread but that action was excused because they were hungry.
The Bible does say that David was a man after God’s own heart. He committed the most heinous sins but when confronted he did not doubt it as many of us men are wont to do. He admitted to adultery and murder. He acknowledged his sin and penned the famous Psalm of repentance, Psalm 51. He cried out: “Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.” We assume that the men with David also repented.
The question is: “Can we expect the same of the World Boss and his men?” While the image of the World Boss stood erect on church lands, although without permission, nor the blessing of the church nor its leaders, we needed to question him:
Have you repented of your public sins?
Did you ask forgiveness from those you sinned against?
Have you repented?
Can we look for a change of behavior?
The last question for you World Boss is how will you be saved when you neglect so great salvation?
Besides Collin Graham, which public figure because of their repentance, can be considered like David, a man after God’s own heart?