Good day to the general public of Saint Vincent over the pass couple of days the country has been met with a double edge sword at it every corner with COVID-19 on the left and the volcano on the right.
I am writing with concerns of the total and utter blatant disrespect of this government. We as citizens of this country deserve more than just press releases and coming to our own conclusions.
This government has neglected the needs of the education sector in the past couple of months they haven’t consider the disadvantages of online classes and the mental damage this pandemic has or going to cause on students not everyone has the same mental strengths and this government has failed to see that with a college drop out rate as high as our it should be a top priority but it’s not its being neglected once again.
So, I’m asking what does the government has planned for us college students most in the world has already finish their 1st semester and we haven’t.
Disadvantages of Online Classes
Online courses require more time than on-campus classes.
Online courses make it easier to procrastinate.
Online courses may create a sense of isolation.
Online courses require that you find your own path to learning.
Online courses require you to be responsible for your own learning.
Lack of accreditation and low quality
Intense requirement for self-discipline
With the spike that happened in COVID-19 cases I am asking the government to consider the education sector and no masks, social distances and sanitizers aren’t going to solve our problems the VIRUS has become the new NORMAL. We need to make sure each student is equipped for online learning than to just throw it on us like that.
In the rest of the world the VIRUS had killed millions and the number keeps raising. America, Canada and other countries tried opening school and there was a bigger spike so exams and everything were moved online are we as a nation going to accept those results of students who did their exams online from other countries but refuse to let out students do that same?
Concern Student
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