The Gender Affairs and the Child Development Divisions within the Ministry of National Mobilisation, Social Development, Family, Gender Affairs, Youth, Housing and Informal Human Settlements were recipients of items donated by the Fertilis Terrae, an apolitical organization based on Christian principles of
charity and goodwill.On January 15, 2021, Ms Jennifer Bacchus, Country Director of Fertilis Terrae(SVG) Ltd. handed over a variety of items geared towards teen mothers and foster children in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. These items included toys, clothing,toiletries, books and school supplies.
This donation was made possible under the organization’s social welfare programme in demonstrating God’s love in action through care for and support of those in greatest need.
Accepting on behalf of the beneficiaries were Ms Hazel-Ann Lewis, Project/Field
Officer in charge of the Teen Mothers Programme, and Ms. Faustina Lewis, Social
Worker and Officer in Charge of the Foster Care Programme.
The Ministry thanked the Organization for its support on behalf of the beneficiaries.