Release from the Ministry of Health
Please note that our protocol for very high, high risk , medium risk and low risk countries still stands.
Newest addition to our protocol:
Travelers arriving with evidence of being fully vaccinated (at least 4 weeks after the final dose) with a COVID-19 vaccine recognized by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (National Regulatory Authority) shall:
i. Present with documented evidence of full vaccination issued by a competent authority;
ii.Must arrive with a negative COVID-19(RT-PCR)test done no more than 72 hours before arrival.
iii. Must be retested on arrival in SVG.
iv. MUST quarantine for seven (7) days in a Tourism Authority/
MOHWE approved transition/Quarantine Hotel at their cost.
v. Must be retested on day five (5) of quarantine.