promote knowledge, understanding and friendship between peoples of
Taiwan and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) is offering two scholarship programmes,
namely MOFA Taiwan Scholarship and TaiwanICDF Scholarship, to
outstanding Vincentians to pursue studies in Taiwan commencing 2021
1. Non-degree Mandarin Language Enrichment Programme (LEP): 1 year maximum (only applicable to MOFA Taiwan Scholarship. Upon completion of LEP, the recipient must study
for adegreeprogramme. Award periods must becontinuous, with no breaks, and cannot exceed
a total of 5 years.);
2. Degree Programmes:
(1) Undergraduate’s Programme: 4 years maximum
(2) Master’s Programme: 2 years maximum
(3) Doctoral Programme: 4 years maximum
Application Period
1. Taiwan ICDF Scholarship Programme: January 1 to March 15, 2021
2. MOFA Taiwan Scholarship Programme: February 1 to March 31, 2021
Applicants are required to submit the following documents to the Embassy by the abovementioned
deadlines and be interviewed by the staff of the Embassy. (Please note that applicants also need
to apply for admission to school and every study programme has different requirements and
1. A completed application form;
2. One photocopy of applicant’s passport or other documents that prove nationality;
3. One copy of the highest-level diploma and a complete grade transcript which must be sent
directly to the Embassy in a stamped sealed envelope by the issuing school. Those documents
must be authenticated by the Embassy;
4. Supporting admission application materials (e.g. a photocopy of application form for language
training center or for a degree programme at university/ college in Taiwan; information on
study in Taiwan is available at;
5. Two letters of recommendation.
Due to COVID-19 in SVG, the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has suspended all
walk-in consulting services and mass gathering event in order to reduce the risk of human
infection. Should you have any questions in relation to the scholarship application, please call
(456-2431 Mrs. Greta Rawlins) or email ([email protected]) to the Embassy for consultation. You
may also visit the Embassy’s official website at (English page:
section of Announcements) for further information.