Is the bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines being run by a dictator?
The Manager is the sole decision maker at the institution regarding matters relating to staff. The workers at the bank are afraid to speak out regarding issues affecting them, due to fear of being victimized.
Any staff movement, decisions regarding uniforms or any decision relating to the staff, are carried out under the sole direction of the Manager .
The HR department currently operates like a shell that only exists to carry out the orders of the Managing Director.
Quite often staff transfers are based on personal vendettas and are devoid of a transparent and professional process.
To those on the outside, the bank appears to be the ideal place anyone would want to work but things are very different on the inside. The management team has no voice or is afraid to oppose any decision made by the Managing Director.
Recently, the female staff body was shocked to know their current uniform order, was placed with the same style, color etc. No measurements were taken to determine sizes for individuals .
There was no input, nor any meeting held to brief them.
Before the start of the pandemic, all the commercial banks in the country had settled back payments for their workers, and had the time changed to reflect the 8 hours working period, but not at Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. What is happening at BOSVG ?
Why is an institution as important as BOSVG, owned by the taxpayers of SVG, being run by someone who acts like he owns the bank? What kind of society are we fostering with this kind of behavior?
Do workers matter anymore? I am shocked to know this kind of behavior and victimization exist at BOSVG.
Where is the Union regarding these matters and other grievances that affect staff and their wellbeing? My heart goes out to the workers who suffer silently just to put food on the table..
This type of behavior needs to stop as SVG is a democratic Nation.
A clear message should be sent that Dictatorship is not allowed!
A Concerned Citizen
The views expressed are not those of ANN, all articles must be submitted to [email protected]
1 Comment
They obviously haven’t done a deep dive of NIS because BOSVG sounds like heaven in comparison.