Madam La Soufriere, may I talk to you please?
It is high time your increased seismic activities cease
Are you aware of the damage you have caused?
Girl it is time to take a pause
We are displaced, with little food to eat
Some are not even getting a good night sleep
Country life was the best
Now look how you have the place in one big mess
Ash blowing everywhere
I’m talking to you, can you hear?
The water supply disrupted
Since you erupted
Is your belly hurting you?
Please, what can we do?
Are you frying an egg?
Did you hurt your leg?
We care about you a lot
I hope you didn’t forgot
You’re our national treasure
And helping you is our pleasure
Please don’t erupt again
We really want your activities to end
Animals are dying in the red zone
Because in ash they are left to roam
Look what you did to agriculture
Must you be this unkind mama?
For 42 years you were a well behaved girl
Now you are destroying our little world
People’s lives and livelihoods are impacted
You know we are already dealing Covid
We are your own people
Why on us you had to blow?
If you are mad, it is not our fault
Please bring your activities to a halt
We always boast to tourists about you
Please discontinue
Is there something we can do to assist?
Please don’t treat us like this
You have us on our knees begging for aid
You’re a tadbit too much, I’m afraid
Quit making us this vulnerable
We are your dear people
We know erupting is what volcanoes do
But this is long overdue
Whatever the issue
Please let us talk this through
You can either talk to me or Professor Robertson
Or another good citizen
We have really felt your wrath
We can tell that you are distraught
You even have your beloved prime minster crying
Are you aware all this is happening?
NEMO is getting a lot of blame
Can’t you feel their pain?
Again, is there something we can do to assist?
We’ll do anything because we want you to cease and desist
Written by: Ashecia Sam
April 23, 2021