Anthony Stewart, PhD
I am ashamed when I observe the treatment of our Vincentian Women. Most of them were born here but some came from abroad and settled into our culture.
They are among the most beautiful of women in the world. They are friendly, hospitable, sexy, loving and family oriented. They have a genuine, caring personality and above all, they are Godfearing.
They are excellent cooks and nutritionists, feeding their children and spouses well, sometimes going hungry when the food is insufficient. I hardly took sick leave from work because my wife’s good food kept me healthy.
They literally run the homes, churches, community groups, workforce, and would do a better job if put to run the country.
I noted with disdain the treatment meted out to Juanita Headley who was forced out of the country apparently because she was zeroing in on some of us men for our abuse of women. We keep the consent age at 15 so that we could take advantage of young school girls with impunity. Juanita had a passion for the prevention of human trafficking and our country benefited from her presence here. She was hosted by homes, churches, community groups, and schools. She made many invaluable presentations for which we did not adequately compensate her because our society is not yet at that stage to reward her appropriately. She was doing a job that apparently, no one else is doing. We need to appreciate women like her and give her a national award.
Michaele Andrews is another noteworthy woman that I have had the opportunity to work closely with in our quest to aid disadvantaged children. She genuinely cares for people and knows where to draw the line as a Law Enforcement Officer. I am not on the Police Service Commission but from my evaluation, she deserves immediate promotion.
There are more women who use their position and ability to lift our country high, but we would be in a better place if we allow our qualified, experienced, ambitious women to take the leadership position to wield their influence.
Our women know best how to raise the Vincentian family and would usually make the best choice in our best interest. We should not usurp their authority. First, students were given the impression that they were being given $200. Any wise man knows that money for the support of children must be given to the mother. Everyone knows that Mothers are the first teachers and deserve to be consulted and empowered with the needed resources. Then came the calculators. The children used to know their times tables, but since calculators were doled out to them without parental consultation, they are no longer able to add, subtract, and multiply, as confirmed by CXC some time ago. Motivation to learn the tables no longer exist. Mothers used to work a problem, then double check it with a calculator, now the problems are worked and the children have no idea whether the answer is reasonably correct. Many are copying from answer sheets or googling whole questions and writing down wholesale answers with no reasoning aspect.
Now we have Tablets that have distracted so many of our children. Instead of reading books and Newspapers, they are playing games and wasting time on Facebook and other social media. Mothers should have been allowed to choose the appropriate gadget for their children if they deem them useful. Sourcing them locally would have included some measure of warranty should they go bad. The consequence is that in a sea of knowledge, our children are less knowledgeable. We must teach parents how to use the tablets, exercise parental control, and access technical and mechanical support for them.
Healthcare is our current concern and we are fearful of allowing mothers to make vaccination decisions about their own bodies and that of their children. Mother knows best is still true. The information should be made available: Vaccines prevent severe illness and death in almost all cases. Those who are not vaccinated may not fare so well. These cannot be compared to childhood vaccines which prevented diseases.
We do not want to make the hard choice and adjustment of sanitizing, wearing masks, and social distancing. Our schools and workplaces are overcrowded. It is possible to have small groups of no more that 10, and operate in well ventilated open spaces where possible. Our minds are Lazy. We invented the concept of the Bubble to avoid doing what we should do. Vaccination is the quick fix and we seek to impose it on everyone. It is similar to our approach to the management of Diabetes and Hypertension: Eat what you want then take the requisite amount of medication. A strict regimen of diet and exercise apparently is beyond our disciplinary capacity.
I believe in vaccination and was fully vaccinated, yet I contracted to virus and I am now in quarantine as a breakthrough case that needs to be reported on regularly. However, we live in a free society, not a communist one, and vaccination should be kept as voluntary. Those of us who do not believe in mandatory vaccination are willing and able to reorganize our schools and workplaces for adequate social distancing, sanitation, and mask wearing to keep our population safe.
Contrary to popular beliefs, our country is not run mainly by Laws, statutes, and Order, important as they are, as some may think, but by GOODWILL. Let us not further devalue our women by forcing unwanted products into their bodies. It will be tantamount to RAPE. At 3 for $10, our women were greatly undervalued at EC $3.33. Google puts a higher value of US$ 160 counting the constituent elements only and US$ 45 million for a lifetime quality Vincentian Woman.
Those quotations for the value of a Vincentian Woman, however, come no where near her true value because she is INVALUABLE. You may find a closer estimate in Proverbs 31.Having waited for more than 20 years, and not received the promised 30% salary increase, our Vincentian Women have exercised much patience, longsuffering, with their fingers on their lips, in the face of abuse of all kinds, and some in abject, extreme poverty, we, the men in the society must not abuse their GOODWILL.
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