Despite the challenges of a volcanic eruption and the Covid- 19 pandemic, the Start Bright Tus-T Water free school breakfast initiative programme continues to serve up healthy meals to the nation’s children. The programme is continuing with the same seventy-five schools boosted by a new collaboration with local conglomerate Coreas Distribution.
Some 900 children, an increase of one hundred and sixty-five (165) are now benefitting from the programme that provides free nutritional school breakfast (sanctioned by the Ministry of Health)
in schools throughout St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Chief Executive Officer of Tus T Water Dwight Hillocks, says that in view of the recent challenges and decreasing sales of its products, the collaboration with Coreas Distribution has made this expansion possible.
The pilot of the programme first commenced some six years ago during the academic school year 2015 / 2016. The program now also includes the Liberty Lodge Boys Home whose residents re-ceive breakfast year- round.