The Health Services Sub-committee wishes to inform the public that review of applications for fully vaccinated events has resumed. All private citizens, organizations, promoters, DJs and event coordinators are asked to take note
The Sub-committee takes this opportunit y to remind the public that the mass gathering protocols for indoor and outdoor gatherings (maximum of 10 persons indoors, 20 persons outdoors and 1/3 of the place of worship’s capacity) are still in effect.
These gatherings include, but are not limited to clubs, bars, restaurants, wedding, funerals, conference rooms, churches and private gatherings.
Those wishing to exceed the required capacity are asked to note the revised protocol for fully vaccinated events:
Option 1: Fully vaccinated (1st&2nddoses or a single dose) and appropriately
boosted (5-6 months) for all eligible patrons, vendors, health and security personnel;
Option 2: Fully vaccinated (1st&2nddoses) and a negative antigen test taken no
more than 24 hours prior to the event at an approved testing site or by a MOHWE
approved testing team for those who are not appropriately boosted. For all eligible
patrons, vendors, and health and security personnel.
The Health Services Sub-comm ittee will continue to be guided by the ever-evolving science as we work together with the public to maintain the health and wellbeing of all of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.