Carlton Richardson, a male attendant at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital was arrested by police on February, 13th, 2022 was released on the 14th of February without any charges being laid against him.
ANN was reliably informed of Mr. Richardson’s release from police custody.
An employee at the hospital also told ANN via Facebook messenger, “this is the third time the man getting arrested and come back to work like nothing ever happen ” .
A call to the MCMH confirm that Richardson did indeed return to work on Monday.
Police also confirmed to Asberth News Network that Richardson was released with any charges. This is not the first we had him custody but we never have sufficient evidence to charge him.
Richardson according to police release was detained by police in the North Western District after a female resident reported to the police that on 12.02.22, a male approached her and told her that he was seeking to recruit young ladies to work as babysitters and housekeepers for a “white woman” in the Grenadines.
The police responded to the report and Richardson was subsequently detained for questioning the report also stated .