JCI St Vincent (formerly known as Jaycees) is a youth organization for persons ages 18-40 to develop their soft skills and provide leadership opportunities. Despite a couple years of dormancy, we would like to remind the public that we are still here and intend to deliver on these opportunities for youths to be involved in these leadership areas.
JCI St. Vincent announces the election and appointment of the 2022 Board of Directors. The four core members were elected on Friday 10 th December 2021 and was officially installed on Saturday 16 th December 2021.
The elected members are as follows: President Deaney Gellizeau,
Vice President and Public Relations Officer Jesse James, Secretary General Casey Defreitas, and Treasurer Jesseica James. Subsequently, on January 13 th 2022, the president appointed five new
board members bringing the number of board members to nine.
The appointed members are:
Immediate Past President Terrance Williams as Legal Counsel, Senator Mandisa Stephens as Growth and Retention Officer, Member Nick Francis as Director, Senator Dennis Gaymes as
Advisor and Senate Chair, and Senator Cladius Millington as Advisor.
The appointed members collectively have over five decades in the organization, Senator
Mandisa, Immediate Past President Terrance and Senator Cladius having held executive positions in the past; hence they are well endowed with skills, knowledge and experience.
“This 2022 elected board is like a breath of fresh air and will bring a great perspective to the organization,” said Senate Chair Dennis Gaymes. “I have no doubt in my mind that they will
lead JCI St. Vincent to greatness.”
The members of the elected board, though only having an average age of 20 years, are driven by the determination to play a part in restoring the organization to its former glory and having an impact on the youth in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
To ensure the success and continuous expansion of any organization, the said organization needs
to prioritize its growth and furthermore the engagement of its members. There is a series of projects and fundraisers in planning for the year to do just that: to develop our members, to
encourage growth of the organization, to have a little fun and team building, and to impact the communities in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The theme for the year 2022, “Changing challenges into opportunities and success”, is to forge
the way for this organization to transform its small membership and overcome other obstacles to
create opportunities for its members, and by extension the young people in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and only then will the JCI St. Vincent achieve true success.