Her Excellency the Governor General Dame Susan Dougan GCMG OBE was pinned by
the outgoing President, Ikarmola Laborde, as Patron at the 35th Annual General Meeting
of the Soroptimist International SVG (SISVG) Club on Saturday, 30th April 2022. As a
Foundation Member of the Club Dame Susan is no stranger to Soroptimism and the
ideals for which it stands. She commended the Club for its many achievements which
have assisted women and girls facing issues in our communities.
The Executive Committee voted in at the AGM providing support to the newly elected
President, Donnette O’Neil, comprises Vice President Sabrina Murphy-Bascombe,
Membership Officer Andrea Gaymes- Mohess, Governance & Development Officer
Rene Baptiste, Communications Officer Lavinia Gunn. Josie-Anne Small continues as
Secretary assisted by Samantha Browne-Cordice. Also continuing in Executive roles are
Ikarmola Laborde as Immediate Past President, Christine da Silva as Treasurer assisted
by Euna Thompson and Shannon Durrant-Samuel as Programme Action Officer.
Andrea Gaymes-Mohess continues as Safeguarding Officer and Rene Baptiste and
Ikarmola Laborde as SI Caribbean Network representatives with Ikarmola Laborde as
SIGBI Federation Councillor.

In her President’s Report Ikarmola Laborde highlighted the generous support of donors in
response to the appeal for donations to provide support to those in need after the volcanic
eruptions in April 2021. The response was overwhelming from SI Clubs and friends in
the region and internationally. These donations enabled the Club to target 3,000 people in
need, with water, meals, food and school uniform vouchers, clothes, toys and hygiene
packages. Shelters received groceries, personal hygiene items and other supplies to assist
the many displaced persons including the elderly. Many new partnerships were formed
enabling the Club’s relief efforts to reach thousands in need. Heartfelt thanks to the
generosity of our donors.
Despite the focus on volcanic disaster relief the Club continued to provide support to
many on-going SISVG projects including Glebe Preschool, The Helping Hands Centre
and the Women Behind Bars project. Coreas Hazells and Gonsalves Liquors continued to
be active contributors to fundraising efforts.
To celebrate the centenary of Soroptimist International a tree was planted in the grounds
of the Financial Complex in Kingstown. Despite using the Zoom platform due to the
COVID-19 pandemic for all meetings among milestones celebrated were awards to Lady
Kathryn Cyrus and Mrs Annelle Thomas selected by Soroptimist International for the
“Who Is She” centenary awards to 100 noteworthy Soroptimists for their contributions to
society in the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the organisation.
The incoming President Donnette O’Neil congratulated Ikarmola Laborde on her
unwavering commitment to Soroptimism despite the challenges caused by the pandemic
and the volcanic eruptions. She stated that she was honored to be elected as President.
She promised to continue enhancing the lives of women and girls, disadvantaged by
poverty, abuse and gender inequality. She urged members to continue committing to the
implementation of projects and fundraising in order to achieve the objectives of
Soroptimism stating that “together we can raise to higher heights and give a helping hand
to more women and girls”.