Featured Queen
Miss SVG 2015 and Miss Carnival 2015 – DeYonte`Mayers
In 2015, DeYonte entered two elite circles that many do not get enter. She not only made a clean sweep at the Miss SVG pageant, but she also had a resounding victory at the then Miss Carival pageant a few weeks after Miss SVG. DeYontes achievements in the Miss SVG pageant is still on the minds of Vincentians as no other contestant has performed a clean sweep since 2015. Even though DeYonte reigned supreme that year, according to her, the reign was not as smooth and fulfilling as it should for a Queen who carried two crowns in one year. Deyonte
s experience during her reign should propel the need for concrete duties for the national queens during their reigns and beyond. Certainly, becoming a national ambassador through pageantry must be equated to those who attain the cultural ambassadorial rank during the month of Independence. The time may very well be now for the national beauty queens to be equally recognized as national treasures that can push St. Vincent and the Grenadines on the world stage; after all, they carry the title of Miss Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for one year (Unless you are Miss SVG 2019).
Today, DeYonteis finishing up her studies in Medicine and is eager to further contribute to nation building, this time in a different realm.
took some time away from her studies and hospital duties to answer some questions about her time as a pageant queen who did the double for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Please see her interview below:
What was it like preparing for the pageant?
Preparing for the pageant was a grueling experience. A lot of work, physical, mental and emotional- goes into pageant preparation. It was definitely one of the more difficult experiences of my life, at the time.
What activities did you participate in pre-show?
Pre show, the other contestants and I did all the Beauty Shows Committee (BSC) mandated appearances at different carnival events. I was also able to spend the day with my sponsor (the Mustique Company), which was enlightening.
Who was your chaperone?
My chaperone was Kimon Baptiste.
How important is the contestant/chaperone relationship?
The contestant/chaperone relationship is definitely super important. Contestants rely a lot on their chaperones to guide them through what is mostly a novel experience, as there are not many pageants in SVG on the scale of Miss SVG.
What was the experience like on the night of the pageant?
The night of the pageant was mostly a blur. Miss SVG was my very first pageant, and I did not know what to expect.
How many categories of the pageant did you win?
I won all judged categories in Miss SVG (Best in Swimwear, Best Talent, Best in Evening Wear and Best Interview) and Best in Swimwear, Best Talent and Best in Evening Wear at Miss Carival.
How was your reign as Miss SVG 2015 and Miss Carival 2015?
I don’t know what to say about my reign. I tried to make use of my title, but I do feel that I was underutilized. Hopefully in the future, we can make the title holder much more of an ambassador for the country.
What is your most memorable moment from your reign?
I do not know what to say about my reign. I tried to make use of my titles, but I do feel that I was under-utilized. Hopefully in the future, we can make the title holder much more of an ambassador for the country.
Please share some best practices for future contestants.
I would advise future contestants to surround themselves with people who have their best interests at heart, because you are only as good as your support team.
What would you say to the ladies who are vying for Miss SVG 2022 to be held end of
October 2022?
I am super excited for all the ladies vying for this year’s title. We have not had a pageant in a while due to COVID and I think all the ladies are going to do a great job on the night of the show.
Share your final thoughts…..
Miss SVG was a great opportunity for personal growth and I am very happy that I decided to compete. The experience gifted me with skills and friends that I am sure I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
Stay tuned for more interviews as we continue the series on the road to the Royal Return – Miss SVG 2022.