The Public Service Commissions (PSC) abandoned their duties in the implementation of rules for the wicked, unconstitutional ‘vaccine’ mandate. The Commissions owe teachers and public servants an apology for the mistreatment and disrespect meted out to us. During the period December 2021 and February 2022, hundreds of public officers received dismissal letters with dastardly claims that we were “deemed to have resigned” for refusal to comply with SR&O regulations.
The Commissions failed to even give workers a hearing. This showed that they lacked a basic sense of natural justice.
If the Commisions is interested in acting decently and constitutionally henceforth, they would apologise, overturn their improper decisions, and humbly agree with the court that their action was “unlawful and disproportionate.” They would go back to their copy of the letter written to each worker and stamp those letters “null and void.” Additionally, they would shred those letters in preparation for incineration. We never abandoned our jobs and therefore never ceased to be employees of the state.
Among other damning declarations, Justice Henry characterised the behaviour of the chairman of PSC as “the abdication of their jurisdiction and responsibility in favour of the Minister…” [Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate case, Para.211] The judge further ruled that the Commissions “ misdirected themselves and acted unlawfully by acting under the Minister’s and Minister of National Security’s directions.” [Para.212]
Clearly, the Public Service Commissions is guilty of abandoning their duties in this matter. According to Justice Esco Henry, the PSC “allowed another authority to seize from them control and superintendence of this constitutional function.” [Para.221]. In other words, they, along with the COP and Police SC, were not performing the job they were hired to do. The judge said that their action “demonstrated that they did not address their collective minds to the reality that they were vested with exclusive authority to make rules governing appointment and termination of employment of their employees…”[Para.210]. Their authority was usurped.
Were they following the dictates of a tyrant instead? Worse yet, these officials had the audacity to write workers, wrongfully accusing us of abandoning our duties. How wicked and shameful! They should resign. “ Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees and that write grievousness which they have prescribed…”( Isaiah 10:1-3)
The ULP administration, headed by PM Gonsalves should be fired too for oppressing workers and for persisting in lawlessness.
They are in breach of the court order. Workers should be receiving full pay and damages, yet the unruly prime minister is still insisting that we should reapply. He is wrong and haughty about it. His government has abandoned its duty to respect and protect the God-given and constitutionally protected rights of all the people.
I fully agree with the US Declaration of Independence, that when a government becomes destructive to the inalienable rights of the people, “it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it…” The current administration should be voted out of office. Moreover, the spiteful PM and his wicked unrepentant servants will not go unpunished by YHWH-God. He will bring retribution on them for persecuting the people.
Ann-Marie [email protected]