Chairman of the Carnival Development Committee (CDC) Ricardo Adams announced today that the CDC has officially partnered with Caribbean Airlines (CAL) as the carrier for Vincy Mas 2023.
“This has been something that we have been working along for quite a while and am really happy to welcome CAL on board and I know that this auger(s) well for us getting additional airlift out of the Eastern Seaboard of Canada, and the Caribbean,” Adam explained.
Speaking at a Press briefing held today April 24, at the CDC Conference room, Adams said that while there has been improved air access in 2023, with a growing number of airlines and increased schedules, there will be a need to optimize room stock as most hotel rooms are sold out for the carnival season.
Marketing and Development Officer, Esworth “Ezzie” Roberts said there continues to be an aggressive marketing campaign in promoting Vincy Mas to tourists and locals. Roberts stated that currently there are more vlogs, more social media presence and promotions on radio and television to for Vincy Mas.
Roberts said apart from promotions being done in Trinidad and Tobago, the marketing campaign is ongoing and continues among other Caribbean islands.
Deputy Chairman, Dillon Morris called upon sponsors “to assist in great productions in 2023 and beyond”. Morris said that the rural carnival committees are working closely with the police in terms of enhanced security for the events.
Youlou Pan Movement Representative Rodney Small, said there is increased enthusiasm for the steel pan art form throughout the country, “We are confident that we will see an increase in crowds on Junior Panorama and steel and glitter,” Small noted. The Youlou Pan representative also invited participation from the current sponsors to ensure that the art form is preserved.
Head of the Calypso Association, Earl “Caba” Bennett applauded the CDC for recognizing steel pan and calypso. Bennett stressed that the support for Calypso is crucial and called on local and regional entities to support the artform.
Vincy Mas 2023 runs from June 30th- July 11th.