The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Indian Heritage Foundation, has announced the commemoration of Indian Arrival Day 2023.
Thursday June 1st 2023 will mark the 162nd anniversary of the arrival of 2,474 Indians from India to SVG during the years 1861 to 1880.
The SVG Indian Heritage Foundation via an official release has encouraged all citizens of SVG to participate in their celebrations by wearing an Indian outfit and eating Indian food on that day.
The Annual Re- enactment of Indian Arrival day will take place on Sunday June 4th 2023 at 8.00 a.m. at Indian Bay.
A boat will arrive at Indian bay with persons dressed in Indian wear, followed by a mock registration and dispatch to the various estates will be done.
There will also be an official ceremony, with addresses from Dignitaries, a photo session and breakfast served to all in attendance.