Of late, many persons here have been complaining about what they say is a terrible flu, almost resembling the woes/travails of Covid-19.
In response, the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment has confirmed that influenza cases have actually been on the rise after the culmination of the activities for carnival.
Late last week, Dr. Alisha Bonadie, District Medical Officer, confirmed the presence of the flu virus, while speaking on the Face-to-Face programme aired on Radio NBC.
She identified the virus as Influenza B, noting that it was highly contagious.
She stated, “We’re definitely seeing a lot of cases coming to the clinics with cold, sore throat, fever ….”, and revealed that among other complaints cited were loss of appetite and body aches and pains.
Dr. Bonadie advised listeners that there is no cure for the flu. There has never been and there never will be one because the virus is always replicating, always changing its DNA, thereby making it extremely difficult to find a cure.
She recommended that persons could treat themselves by simply hydrating. “You would be surprised the amount of help water could do to your body,” she shared.
The District Medical Officer also addressed the Covid situation, making it clear that, “Covid isn’t going anywhere. It is here. We’re in the post-pandemic era so the public health authorities would have declared that the pandemic might have been over. But just like influenza A and influenza B it is now pretty much endemic.”
She cautioned that as we move past the carnival season where there was “…. mass gathering, post festival calm activities,” it is important to continue surveillance of Covid-19.
She warned that sensitivity to infection must still be heightened, especially for persons among high-risk groups, and advised persons not to abandon washing hands, using sanitizers, to avoid mass gatherings and insist on social distancing.
Testing for Covid-19, Dr. Boandie assured, continues.