Qatar Fund for Development Host the Global Green Growth Institute’s Greenpreneurs in Doha for a Fruitful Study Visit
Doha, Qatar, November 16th, 2023 – Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) proudly welcomed selected Eastern Caribbean and Pacific Greenpreneurs to Doha as part of the QFFD funded Greenpreneurs Program in the two regions. This impactful exchange visit aimed to immerse the Greenpreneurs in Qatar’s thriving sustainable industries, showcasing the nation’s commitment to green sustainable growth both at home and beyond, as well as to facilitate an in-depth exchange between the Eastern Caribbean and Pacific entrepreneurs.
Ms. Noora Khalid, Head of the Arab, Americans, and European Projects Department at Qatar Fund for Development, expressed her enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, “We are honored to host the Global Green Growth Institute’s Eastern Caribbean and Pacific Greenpreneurs in Qatar. This exchange visit reflects our unwavering commitment to fostering sustainable entrepreneurship and nurturing a culture of innovation. By providing this enriching experience, we aim to empower these Greenpreneurs to positively impact not only their communities but the whole world.”
Sixteen (16) green businesses from Small Island Developing States (SIDS) across the Pacific and Eastern Caribbean (Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines) participated in the exchange visit. These included Vincentians Ricardo Boatswain of Solife Solar and Gordon Shallow of The Plant Doctor.
Impact-driven green entrepreneurs (or “Greenpreneurs”) with the mission of generating environmental and social change through their businesses, had the privilege of exploring climate smart agriculture and sustainable manufacturing, as well as engaging with fellow sustainable entrepreneurs in various sectors and learning from business development experts at the Qatar Development Bank and from government officials.
“The insights gained from this exchange visit is truly invaluable. From engaging with successful Qatari environmentally conscious enterprises, to the illuminating moments provided by the business sessions, the learning experiences were abundant.”, said Talei Tora, Co-Founder of GingerLei, Greenpreneur representative from Fiji.
“Being able to see the way other cultures approach dealing with issues we as humanity face is inspirational. The Greenpreneur exchange visit is as heartfelt as it is informative,” Efua Akoma, Founder of Think and Play Village, Greenpreneur representative from Grenada reflected.
The exchange visit not only served as a platform for knowledge exchange but also empowered the Eastern Caribbean and Pacific Greenpreneurs to apply their newfound insights in enhancing their existing businesses. The initiative aligned with QFFD’s broader mission to inspire and support small business owners in SIDS, enabling them to drive positive change within their communities, countries and regions.
“Our partnership with the Qatar Fund for Development has been instrumental in developing green entrepreneurs and creating green jobs in the Eastern Caribbean and the Pacific, and this exchange visit has been an invaluable opportunity to showcase and amplify the impacts of these programs,” Dr. Kristin Deason, GGGI’s Caribbean Representative said.
The Eastern Caribbean Green Entrepreneurship Initiative and the Pacific Green Entrepreneurs Network are three-year projects funded by QFFD and implemented by GGGI since 2021. Both projects aim to support green and inclusive job growth by supporting entrepreneurs to develop their green and sustainable businesses whose business models include solutions aimed at contributing to their country’s climate and sustainable development goals in 12 small island developing states (Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines).