Leading Engineering Technician Marine Engineering Kamol Bess joined the Royal Navy in 2020 and is nearing the completion of his Phase 3 training within the Defence School of Marine Engineering at HMS Sultan. Alongside completing previous engineering training at HMS Sultan Kamol has also seen service as part of the Marine Engineering Department onboard Type 45 Destroyer HMS Diamond.
He said: “My name is Kamol, and I come from St Vincent and the Grenadines, a serene and beautiful set of Islands in the Caribbean, well known for its beaches, carnivals, and regattas.
“Growing up I loved the sea; my father was a fisherman, and I would spend a lot of time with him on boats. The experience was good as it also meant that I got to experience some engineering as there were lots of fishermen maintaining their boats. I enjoyed the problem solving and hands-on experience and that also inspired me to study mechanical engineering at school.
“I joined the Royal Navy as it seemed a natural progression, to do something I was passionate about and to be on the sea. It also gave me the chance to learn new skills and provide a steady income to support my family back home.
“When I passed out of initial training my mother came over to see it. She was so proud and I knew then that I’d made the right choice.
“The Marine Engineering training I’ve received at HMS Sultan has really helped build my knowledge and it’s been great to get out to sea and put it into practice. I’ve also been able to visit lots of interesting places like Singapore, Spain, Italy, and Diego Garcia.
“It has been difficult at times knowing that I’m away from family, but I knew what I came for and that has kept me motivated. Throughout my training I’ve also been around people who have also come from my own country, who understand my country and culture, which has made it easier to adjust to.
“There are lots of opportunities in the RN, not just within engineering but multiple roles and it might, and you can join for a little while or for a full career.
“When I have finished in the Royal Navy I plan to go back to home and give something back to my community, helping those fishermen with their boats.”
Image by PO Photographer Pepe Hogan.