The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment wishes to advise that visiting hours to the Male Surgical Ward of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH) will be restricted to the 3pm to 4pm only effective immediately until further notice. The 11am to 12md visiting period has been suspended.
Additionally, each patient on the Male Surgical Ward MCMH will only be allowed one (1) bedside visitor during the visiting period. The name of this single visitor will be provided by each patient and must be on a list which will be kept at the Security Booth at the Kingstown District Clinic entrance to the MCMH. The listed visitor must present some form of picture identification to the security officer at the entrance to the MCMH. Once the visitor has been confirmed as being on the list a ‘pass’ will be issued by the Security Officer at the gate. This pass and the picture ID must be presented to the Security Officer at the door of the Male Surgical Ward before entry.
The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment requests the full cooperation of the public as we work to ensure the health and wellbeing of the staff and patients at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital.