Current Conditions:
The morning begins with partly cloudy skies and a temperature of 27.7°C, accompanied by light easterly winds blowing at 7 km/h (5 mph). Humidity stands at 79%, and the barometric pressure is 1009.6 mb.
Regional Overview:
Trinidad: Fair, 26°C
Barbados: Partly cloudy, 28°C
Antigua: Fair, 24°C
San Juan: Partly cloudy, 25°C
Miami: Fair, 19°C
New York: Clear skies, 8°C
Toronto: Partly cloudy, 4°C
London: Overcast, 8°C
Forecast for Today (6:00 AM – 12:00 Noon):
Expect fair to partly cloudy conditions early on. However, as weak surface to low-level instability begins to affect the islands, occasional cloudiness and intermittent light to moderate isolated showers are likely. There is also a low chance of isolated thunderstorms developing later in the morning.
Weather Advisory: Residents and motorists in areas prone to flooding or landslides, as well as those near rivers and streams, should remain vigilant.
Marine Advisory: Swells between 1.0 to 1.8 meters are expected in open waters. Exercise caution near the shore due to breaking wave action and rip currents.
Winds: East-southeast at 10 to 25 km/h (6-16 mph).
Sea Conditions: Slight to moderate.
Tidal and Sun Times:
Low Tide: 2:20 PM
Sunrise: 6:04 AM
Sunset: 5:34 PM
This report is brought to you by the Government’s Meteorological Office at Argyle International Airport.