
Police arrested and charged Dale Hooper, 17 years old Labourer of Fair Hall with the two counts of Robbery on 5.8.18
According to investigations, Hooper who was at the time armed with a gun, (i) allegedly robbed a 26 years old University Student of a quantity of items valued at $900.00ECC, and at the time of doing so, put her in fear of being subjected to force by pointing the gun at her. (ii) He was also charged with the robbery of a 54 years old Nurse from the USA. The Defendant, with the use of a gun allegedly robbed the Nurse of a quantity of items valued at $790.00ECC.
The accused man is expected to appear before the Magistrate’s Court to answer the charges.

1 Comment
When this young man goes to jail, please find some counselling for him. He is too young to be a criminal. Where are his parents or grandparents or other relatives? He will get himself killed if he continues like this. He needs to learn to read and write. He needs some basic Math. This is a case of someone who cannot read and lacking of support. He needs help. Please find him some counselling.