Well known business man Antonio ‘Que Pasa’ Gellizeau is to be released soon from prison after serving a 10 year prison sentence on money laundering charges.
Gellizeau along with Bermudan sailor Winston Robinson and Trinidad Kent Andrew were arrested when law men intercepted the yacht Jo-Tobin off Bequia in April 2008. The yacht was owned by Gellizeau. Robinson and Andrews were on that yacht while Gellizeau was on another yacht, Orion, which he also ownedPolice took the yacht to coast guard base and searched to find US$1.7 million. They were charged with money laundering.
In 2012 Gellizeau and Robinson were found guilty during trial before Chief Magistrate Sonya Young at the Serious Offenses Court and Andrews as acquitted. Robinson and Gellizeau were sent to High Court for sentencing
The time spent in prison by the elderly Robinson was taken into consideration and no further penalties imposed. Gellizeau was sentenced to 10 years. He appealed but lost ‘
Law enforcement authorities applied for confiscation of $10 million worth of assets