Reprographic Unit staffer in the Ministry of Education, Raymond Williams, has won the internal World Accreditation Day quiz.
The quiz formed part of a series of events to observe World Accreditation Day (9th June 2019). The activities all came to an end on Friday 5th July with a presentation to Mr. Williams at the Accreditation Unit. He received a cheque of $100.00 for correctly responding to some questions related to the services of the National Accreditation Board (NAB) and the Accreditation Unit.
Over 150 persons within the Ministry of Education had the opportunity to participate in a quiz, refining their knowledge on the services offered by the NAB and the Accreditation Unit.
The activities to commemorate World Accreditation Day began on May 30 when secondary school students were engaged in an educational session about Diploma Mills and how to avoid becoming entrapped by them. Three business places threw their support behind the 2019 World Accreditation Day celebration, facilitating the distribution of informational flyers on the services of the NAB. The NAB/Accreditation Unit therefore thanks the Teachers Cooperative Credit Union, the Central Water and Sewage Authority (CWSA) and St. Vincent Electricity Services (Vinlec) for the contribution to the activities.