Sometimes radio broadcasting is just a job. For E. Bernard John it was clearly a calling.
E.B. the broadcaster demonstrated a natural and an abundant flair for key elements of the profession. Among them, a deep understanding of the unique relationship between the audience and the broadcaster; a keen awareness of popular public concerns; and critically, the ability to ‘be in the moment’, especially for Live broadcasts, when he move seamlessly from, for example, the solemn mood of a funeral broadcast, to the formal tone for a State ceremony, and then the festive hype for J’ouvert morning or Dimanche Gras.
EB John the Station Manager fostered an atmosphere for audience embracing initiatives to flourish – the popular annual Christmas caroling contest being a prime example. I am grateful to have cut my broadcasting teeth in that environment and thankful for the very generous advice and encouragement E.B. provided.
I trust that his contribution to public service broadcasting in St. Vincent and the Grenadines will be suitably recognised.