St. Vincent and the Grenadines today confirmed four (4) new COVID-19 cases. Two (2) adult travelers arrived from the United Kingdom on December 21 with negative PCR test results, tested negative on entry and positive day 5.
One traveler who arrived on December 11 from the USA, tested positive after being in close contact with a known positive.
The fourth new positive is a traveler who arrived from the USA on December 19 with a negative PCR, tested negative on entry and day 5, then positive on day 9. All persons are nonnationals and will be isolated until cleared by two negative tests. Contact tracing and testing have commenced.
The adult who was admitted to the Argyle Isolation Facility on December 24, 2020 is stable.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines has now recorded a total of one hundred and thirteen(113) COVID-19 cases, eighty-nine (89) of which have recovered. There are now twenty-four (24) active COVID-19 cases imported from high risk countries.
The Health Services Sub-committee is appreciative of the tremendous support of the public in the form of reporting suspected quarantine breakers. These community spirited actions serve to protect all persons in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.