
- There is NO ‘explosive’ eruption at the La Soufrière volcano at this time. La Soufrière continues to have effusive eruptions, as hot magma reaches the surface at extreme temperatures. This appears in the night as fire or a bright red glow above the crater. As the dome gets higher and closer to the rim of the crater this phenomenon will continue to be visible on clear nights.
- Visual observations of the Volcano today were limited due to low cloud cover and frequent periods of rain throughout the day. This also did not allow for the completion of the monitoring station on the upper flank of the volcano.
- Visual observations of the dome late in the afternoon allowed for clear views into the crater. The dome continues to increase in height, to spread laterally and to emit volcanic gases. The areas of most active gas emission were noted to be the contact areas between the pre-existing 1979 dome and the 2020-21 dome, as well as the top of this new dome.
- An extensive area of burnt vegetation was observed in the western section of the crater floor, extending outwards from the dome.
- Analysis of the data from the aerial survey of the dome and from measurement of volcanic gases that were undertaken on Saturday 16th January 2021 was done today by Drs Stinton and Christopher for most of the day.
- The electronics team led by Instrumentation Engineer, Lloyd Lynch completed the necessary network connections today to enable the Owia Seismic Station to be brought online. The data is now being transmitted to monitoring scientists. This now brings the total number of seismic stations being used to monitor the volcano to five.
- Alert level remains at Orange. The volcano continues to exude magma on the surface and steam can still be observed from the Belmont Observatory. Persons living in areas close to the volcano should expect strong sulphur smells for several days to weeks, depending on changes in wind direction.
- The team of scientists continue to monitor activities at the volcano and will advise NEMO accordingly of any changes.
- The National Emergency Management Organisation is reminding the public that no evacuation order or notice has been issued.
- NEMO continues to appeal to the public to desist from visiting the La Soufrière Volcano, especially going into the crater, since doing so is extremely dangerous.
- NEMO will continue to provide regular updates on all activities taking place at La Soufrière.