The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Public Service Union (SVGPSU) and the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers’ Union (SVGTU) held a joint meeting with the Public Service Commission (PSC) on March 18, 2021. Some of the issues addressed were implementation of aPerformanceAppraisal System for the Public Service, transfers, advertisement of vacancies and the maintenance of a Seniority List for the Public Service.
Members of the Commission acknowledged that as a Board they are responsible for executing the critical functions of human resource selectionand performance appraisal in the Public Service, responsibilities that they take seriously.Furthermore, the Commission welcomes the Unions’ collaboration in the production of a thoroughperformance appraisaldocument. Both Unions expressed willingness to work with the Commission in developing a comprehensive Performance Appraisal System, which would provide transparency and fairness in appointments and promotions. In terms of transfers within the Public Service, the unions expressed the view that these are often done in a haphazard fashion and used as punishments, and not usually executed in the best interest of a department or ministry.
The Unions reminded the Commission that all vacancies within the Public Service must be advertised, in accordance with Public Service Regulations. Moreover, this was an order made by the presiding judge in the 2017 case which the PSU brought against the PSC, a case that the PSU won. The President of the PSU voiced his disappointment that, despite the fact that the Judge interpreted regulations governing the Public Service as stating that all vacancies must be advertised, the PSC continues with its own interpretation of same. The Chief Personnel Officer was urged to maintain a Seniority List of all officers holding the various posts within the Public Service.
The Commission promised to work with the Unions in addressing the issues highlighted, and the Chairman made a commitment to respond in writing.