A voice note that emerged on social media on Monday, with what appears to be the voice of a prominent medical doctor using abusive language against some Vincentians, is causing an outcry.
In the voice note which is 2 minutes and 19 seconds long, the doctor, in an anti-Covid-19 vaccine rant called people from the countryside of St. Vincent “dunce,” “backward,” “niggas,” and “Country Bookies,” a term used to demean persons from the countryside of St. Vincent.
In the voice note, the doctor decried the government’s Covid-19 vaccination program saying that the vaccine is “bullshit” and “it ain’t doing nothing to people”.
” Imagine it ain’t giving no proper immunization, you still getting Covid, you have to do everything the same and you run the risk of the vaccine killing yo backside. But, people don’t realize us, this fricking world boss (referring to the prime minister) wants us dead. He wish soufray (La Soufriere Volcano) could erupt and kill out people,” the doctor said in the voice note.
The doctor said in the voice note that these The doctor said that Prime Minister kept the borders open for two reasons; to kill out Vincentians and so that the business of his family at the airport could prosper. He said that Vincentians, especially those who live on the Windward side of the island cannot see it.
“These freaking dunciehead,’ nigga ass, country bookie people who keep voting for him, everybody on the Windward side, they can’t see, cause they too freaking dunce and poor, and that’s how the man have them. He put everything in place,” the doctor who remains unnamed said.
You think it’s by coincidence it’s only country bookie voting for him? Why you think they does call them country bookie? Is only country bookie does vote for he and there’s a reason for it, because out there is where all the dumbass people them live. This does just piss me off yeah brother. All of them just they out there, they love the World Boss (referring to Prime Minister Gonsalves), more than they love their own people and themselves. Dawn stupid,” he added.
He said ” I went out there, when I speak to some of the people them, the way how them people talking and thinking i said no Jesus mudda , then people here really backward ah Nah,” he said in the voice note.
“Weh you except from people who rather walk barefoot and have their shoes in their hand, rather than put on shoes? What do you expect from people like that? They still have that mentality. They still believe the more cruel the World Boss treat them, the more he love them”.