The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment wishes to inform the public that the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca is now available. Persons awaiting their second dose, first dose or a booster shot are asked visit our vaccination sites across. While we welcome walk-ins interested persons are asked to call ahead to avoid wastage.
1. Stubbs Poly clinic – 1784 458- 0743 3.
2. Levi Latham Health Complex – 1784- 458- 6652 4.
3. Georgetown Health Center – 1784- 458-6652 5.
4. Buccament Poly Clinic – 1784- 458-7191.
5. Planned Parenthood Association – 1784- 4561793
6. Bequia – (784) 458-3294
7. Canoun – 458-8305
8. Union Island HC – 458-8245
In view of the confirmed presence of the Delta, Mu and Gamma variants in the community, strict enforcement and compliance with all protocols by everyone is strongly recommended. The correct and consistent use of masks, avoidance of crowds, physical distancing, proper hand sanitizing and immunization with available vaccines have all been proven to significantly reduce the risk of being infected, getting sick and or dying from the COVID-19 virus.