Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the Hon. Keisal Peters, has extended wishes of
peace and prosperity to Taiwan on its 112 th anniversary, celebrated on October 10 th , annually, as
“Double Ten Day”.
“The people of Taiwan are strong and resilient people”, said Peters while delivering
congratulatory remarks at a reception to observe “Double Ten Day”, held on Monday 9 th
October, at the Kingstown Baptist Church. “Having celebrated 112 th years shows the fortitude of
a people that believe in their country and its system” she added.
The Foreign Affairs Minister noted that SVG and Taiwan established diplomatic relations in
1981, under the leadership of the late Robert Milton Cato, and the relationship has blossomed.
Throughout the relationship, she said, St. Vincent and the Grenadines has advocated for Taiwan
to be involved in various international organizations, one of them being the United Nations. “The
people of Taiwan deserve the right to have their voices heard in all corners of the international
community without hindrances, without pressure or threats from others", said Hon. Peters.
Hon. Keisal Peters said, Taiwan’s involvement, like any other country, is of benefit to the
international system and this should not be ignored. She pointed out that during the Covid-19
Pandemic, Taiwan stood on the world stage assisting in financial relief and donations to many
countries, including SVG. She said Taiwan also assisted with the clean-up of ash following the
eruptions of the La Soufriere Volcano in April, 2021, and has also purchased a monitoring
P.O Box 608, Kingstown, St Vincent and The Grenadines
Tel: (784) 456-1600, Fax (784) 456-2430
Email: [email protected]
system to monitor activity at the volcano. “Taiwan is the quintessential example of a good friend
in bad times”, said Peters.
Hon. Peters is this country’s first female foreign affairs minister, and also the youngest person
appointed to lead the ministry. She affirmed that “SVG is proud to be a part of the [112 th ]
celebration which is a profound occasion that affords Vincentians the opportunity to stand in
solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Taiwan.” In 2019, she noted, SVG established an
embassy in Taiwan because the Government of SVG trusts the Taiwanese government, its
institutions and its people.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade also pointed out that Taiwan has been present
at every stage of this country’s development following its independence in 1979, and both
countries have cooperated in many aspects such as health, technology and security,
infrastructural development, education, human resource development and women’s